Mara Bushtops - Conservancy Conservation

Conservation work is vital and continual when you are the only lodge in the region…

Anyone familiar with Mara Bushtops knows that our pride and joy is being the only camp within theIsaaten Conservancy. This gives us a private safari destination on our doorstep, with wildlife roamingfree around the camp. This privileged access means our guests can view animals from their tents andtrucks without having to compete with other vehicles and visitors.

We also have a responsibility to look after this precious private land, conserving the flora and fauna,enhancing our guests’ experience, and working with local herders to balance their needs against thoseof the local wildlife.

Examples of recent interventions include collaring a lioness to monitor her movements and keep herpride safe by preventing her getting too close to livestock. We also helped sedate and treat a giraffe 

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